Tuesday 27 January 2009

University of Plymouth Library

Why is it that the library never has the books that you want?

For my maths assignment I have chose to write about dyspraxia. After choosing this topic I go into the library and there are so many books on dyslexia but hardly any on dyspraxia. I was thinking about changing my topic to dyslexia but knowing my luck they'll have hardly anything on it when I next go into the library! It is so frustrating!!!

On a good note about the library...at least I know where all the maths books are now...and the staff are friendly too.

Friday 23 January 2009

My ICT Lecture

My ICT lecture was great today, firstly Toby and Shawn raced me up to the ICT room and won!!! Thats how slow this Rolle Building lift is!! I also managed to piss Joshie off a little bit. I kept putting my foot on the pedal of his chair to make it lower lol. I think he really liked it...well he kept making funny noises...he blamed it on the chair though!!! I hope he doesn't stand up too soon...know what I mean???